• Enjoy
    Life again
  • Enjoy
    Life again
  • Enjoy
    Life again

Andy Ashenhurst – Testimonial

I had inflicted some trauma on my outer hip when lifting my dog into the back of my car (in my defence, she is a 14st St Bernard 'bear' so I had probably done well to avoid having caused myself any difficulties before now!). The pain was acute & was manifesting itself as a sharp pain in my hip & quite a significant referral nerve pain down the outside of my left leg as far as my foot. My efficiency at work had dropped off significantly, exercise was non existent and I was rapidly turning into a miserable sod (!). Pain killers helped a little but I was uncomfortable with just how many and for how long I had been taking them. Physio may well have worked eventually but I felt that I just wasn't responding in any sort of meaningful timeframe. I had Independantly sought out an MRI before meeting Mr Pal. My briefing session with him was clear & to the point and once I took the surgery option (which I felt was correct for me & my hope to get back to my productive lifestyle (work & play) as quickly as possible, I then moved on to deal with Bianca & sort same out. I agreed to surgery on the Thursday of one week & had same carried out the following Monday (I wouldn't want to mislead anyone by saying that those timelines are 'typical' (they may well be but you'll appreciate that I've only done this the once!) but I can say that I appreciated the option to do so for myself). Surgery itself was uneventful (I believe... you'll appreciate that I wasn't awake for the procedure!) and I left hospital next day. I'm 4 weeks past the procedure now & with the exception of a small scar on my lower back then you'd never know that I ever had any problems as (apart from 'forcing' myself to remember to go slow and avoid heavy lifting, I feel like I'm fully recovered. I would have little hesitation in giving my testimonial to anyone experiencing similar problems nor providing my recommendation to have the procedure carried out by Mr Pal.

  • British Association Of Spine Surgeon