• Enjoy
    Life again
  • Enjoy
    Life again
  • Enjoy
    Life again

Barbara Scatchard – Testimonial

I have been under the care of Mr Pal since 2010 when I first started to have serious problems with my spine. I have had 2 major spinal operations 1 in 2010 & the 2nd in 2016. So I am very familiar with lower back and leg pain, and how this can have a debilitating affect on daily life. Both operations were done by entry via my back, my operation in 2016 also included an XLIF through the right hand side of my body, which I didn't even really notice even when I was recovering.

In February 2021 I began to suffer chronic pain in my lower back which would then radiate to my right leg, this then also began to affect my left leg, by May 2022 I was having to use crutch's to be able to walk even short distances. This meant I could no longer do any of my usual leisure activities and I felt my quality of life was rapidly deteriorating. On the 6th July 2022 Dr Pal performed XLIF L2/L3 surgery. Mr Pal clearly explained the surgical options tat were available to me along with the "pros & cons" for each surgical option. I opted for the XLIF option and can honestly say at this point I am so glad I did, I was back home the same day of my surgery and as soon as I was allowed to get up and try walking (that same day) I did, the severe pain I had been experiencing had literally vanished and I walked out of the hospital without any crutch's.

I have just a small wound on my left hand side, instead of major stitches down my spine, the whole XLIF procedure is far less painful & intrusive to have to recover from, compared to having the surgery through your back. Most importantly it worked and within the space of 1 day my quality of life has returned, I am walking normally and not having to face up to 6 months of recovery. Mr Pal is always honest with you and I have found his judgement and advice to be sound and precise. He has a great manner and is always keen to make sure you have understood everything he has explained to you, without his experience and surgical skills I would probably be in a wheelchair by now.

Barbara Scatchard

  • British Association Of Spine Surgeon