• Enjoy
    Life again
  • Enjoy
    Life again
  • Enjoy
    Life again

Calum Currie – Testimonial

Having experienced debilitating sciatica, numbness and burning in my legs, along with serious back pain for many years, I had also received two previous decompression surgeries before finally coming down from Scotland to Leeds to find Mr Pal for help.

With degenerative discs, stenosis and degenerative scoliosis, I found myself in a pretty dark place at just 50 years of age.

Working in the offshore oil and gas environment, my work requires me to attain a certain level of fitness in order to keep my Health certificate and my job. At the point I found Mr Pal, I had been signed off work for over two months and was taking a serious amount of medication just to stand. I could barely walk a few hundred metres before needing to sit down and curl up to escape the pain.

Mr Pal recommended spinal fusion at L3-4 and L4-5 to give me the best chance of relief. This was done utilising the XLIF technique. The results have been truly life changing. After successful surgery, I am now 3 weeks post op and completely pain free. I am walking well and looking forward to getting back to full fitness and subsequently getting my life back on track in the coming months.

Mr Pal and the team at Spire Leeds were fantastic in caring for me and I cannot thank them all enough. I definitely made the right decision to come to Leeds and I feel very fortunate to have found Mr Pal and receive such fantastic care. It has been a truly life changing experience delivered by a fantastic team of talented and attentive professionals.

I sincerely thank Mr Pal for giving me my life back.

Calum Currie

  • British Association Of Spine Surgeon