• Enjoy
    Life again
  • Enjoy
    Life again
  • Enjoy
    Life again

Catherine Dunne – Testimonial

I was admitted to Leeds General Infirmary via A and E with numbness/ weakness in both arms and legs, poor balance which progressed. Dr Pal and his team diagnosed me with a prolapsed disc C5-C6 which had caused spinal compression. He talked me through the procedure of an anterior cervical discectomy and fusion and how without this operation I may have become paralysed. This was carried out in June 2021. Dr Pal was very honest, compassionate and was very transparent of the outcome of my operation. Unfortunately, I had calcification which meant he was unable to remove the whole disc as this may have caused me more long term damage. I am grateful that due to his experience and knowledge that he knew that this was the best outcome. I then saw Dr Pal at Spire and Nuffield for follow up appointments awell as being referred to Physiocure who helped my rehabilitation. The respect and professionalism and excellent communication between Physiocure and Dr Pal gave me confidence and they picked up that I had cervical thoracic myelopathy aswell as numbness in one of my arms still. Dr Pal immediately arranged for an MRI, X-rays and a nerve conduction test. Once he had these results the decision was that I would need surgery again a posterior laminectomy to try and create more space to ensure the spinal cord was not impinged. Surgery was carried out at the Nuffield in Nov 2021. The surgery has been successful in reducing my pain and symptoms. I can not thank Dr Pal enough he has ensured that I can live my life and run after my young family again. Thank you.

Catherine Dunne

  • British Association Of Spine Surgeon