• Enjoy
    Life again
  • Enjoy
    Life again
  • Enjoy
    Life again

Charles Slater – Testimonial

After surgery three years ago to correct spinal compression I was left in constant agony. I have undergone many spinal treatments including spinal injections, physiotherapy. I have had second opinions from three different surgeons in Newcastle upon Tyne who said they could not help me and refused to operate on me again saying it wouldn’t work. They discharged me and I was on a constant dose of morphine and Fentanyl patches and left under the care of the pain management team. I could not walk more than 100 yds, in pain 24/7. I could not sleep or get comfortable in any position. My life had stopped. Enter Mr Pal. He performed a two point procedure where he corrected the sideways bend in my spine along with a joint that had slipped to one side and a compressed spinal cord. He opened up the compressed joint, then fused them and bolted it all together so that they wouldn’t slip again. Result. I can walk again for the first time in three years. I am taller and am coming off the morphine. I can dress myself and bend and put on my own socks again!! He has given me my life back when they had put me out to grass here in Newcastle. Thank you Mr Pal I owe you my life!

  • British Association Of Spine Surgeon