J Biggadike – Testimonial
J Biggadike 93 yrs
Operation at Nuffield Hospital 22.03.21
The Department of Pain management at Leeds General Infirmary informed me on 14 .0 1.21 that they had exhausted their options to alleviate my back pain and could only offer advice to my G.P on pain relief I decided to consult Mr Pal privately as he had been instrumental in curing a different type of pain in my back some four years ago.
At the second consultation he put a proposal to me for surgical work which he explained patiently in laymen’s terms exactly what he was going to do, the risks and the potential improvements, the financial implications and suggested hospital and that he could fit me in his list some 6 weeks hence I immediately agreed but asked if the operation could be brought forward Almost by return a complete concertinad program of all pre operation routines had been worked out and the operation had been rescheduled for the 22 March.
A remarkable achievement
Before the operation I spoke with Mr Pal again and his anaesthesiist and his specialist nurse and satisfied myself they understood my wishes regarding D.N.R I therefore went into the theatre with no stress whatsoever.
I awoke without pain and clearheaded and was delighted Mr Pal had spoken to my daughter and was able assure her all had gone well and thus stopped the jungle drums spreading assumed conclusions from doubtful sources. I quite quickly struck up a rapport with him which continued throughout my stay and he has even offered me a film of the operation whenever he carries out a similar one!
I could not have wished for a better relationship and would be happy to speak to any potential patient of his if they needed reassurance and would recommend him to any of my friends I wish I could be as glowing as to the welfare and hospitality section of the ward I went to after the critical care.