• Enjoy
    Life again
  • Enjoy
    Life again
  • Enjoy
    Life again

Krystyna Ellis – Testimonial

I have endured back pain since 2007 and have had four previous spinal surgeries. It was expected that in time I may become paralysed due to pressure by a big disc on my thoracic spinal cord. The condition meant that I had difficulty with my balance and couldn’t stand upright unaided. I also had “drop foot” on my left foot following a previous operation.

This surgery with Mr Pal was intended to hopefully stop things getting worse. Mr Pal explained how dangerous the procedure was with a risk of making my condition worse but I decided to go ahead with the procedure.

The outcome has been that I can now stand upright with my eyes shut for over 10 seconds, I have more flexion in my left ankle and surface sensation in my right calf is slightly improved.

I am so glad I had the courage to have the operation and Mr Pal is now my hero for the care and skill he exercised. The scar on my side is small and even has healed well. Mr Pal is sending me to St James’ for specialist physiotherapy which is hoped will improve my balance further.

  • British Association Of Spine Surgeon